Pursuant to article 13 of EU regulation 2016/679
(General Data Protection Regulation on the protection of personal data)

Dear Client/Supplier, in accordance with article13 of EU Regulation 2016/679, henceforth “Regulation” and in relation to the personal data that concern you, our company, as data holder, in consideration of the existing contracts, desires to communicate the following information:

1. Particulars of the data holder

The titular data holder is CAVIGAR S.R.L. , registered office and operational headquarters , via Bigarello, 1 Castelbelforte (MN), secondary site in Via Marconi, 35 Castelbelforte (MN) .Contact data as follows: telephone (+39) 0376 42668 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please note that, in consideration of the fact that the data holder operates within the EU, it is not necessary for a data protection officer to be named.

2. Contact data for the data protection officer.

Following verification of the applicable provisions of article 37 of the Regulation, the appointment of a data protection officer has been excluded, in that the company does not fall under any of the cases contemplated by the Regulation.

3. Purpose of the data processing intended for the data and legal grounds.

The treatment of data is intended for the following activity: - Fulfillment of legal or contractual obligations, discharge of the customs and practices relative to the commercial activity of the company; - Accounting and Administrative documentation; - Conformity with legal obligations and dealing with any eventual disputes; - Compliance with current legislation regarding health and safety at work; - Requirements linked to the Management System within the company. Legal grounds for the data processing are formed by the following elements: contracts for the purchase/supplying of goods or services, Italian law Dlgs 81/2008 with its successive modifications and integration , concerning current law on health and safety in the workplace and the corresponding regulations connected to the application of the Civil and Penal codes . Data processing is carried out through various operations or sets of operations, in particular by : data gathering, registration, organization, conservation, elaboration, modification, comparison , interconnection; selection, extraction, consultation, communication, blocking, cancellation and destruction; it is carried out with or without the use of electronic devices; it is carried out both by the owner’s own company and by trusted external collaborators, a list of whom may be obtained from the Owner. These groups operate directly with us, albeit in total autonomy, as distinct titular data holders in the treatment of personal data, held to observation of the regulations concerning the protection of the aforesaid, both in their own right and by contract to our company. Personal data may not be divulged.

4. Legitimate interests of the data holder

In the case of data processing carried out under article 6, paragraph 1, letter f,  such processings will take place only to satisfy the legitimate interests of the data holder.

5. Recipients of personal data

The personal data gathered may be communicated to: all those subjects whose faculty of access to such data is recognized according to current regulatory provisions – our employees within the purview of their own job descriptions- all those persons or institutions, public or private to whom communication may be either necessary or functional to our activity in the ways and for the aims illustrated.

6. Transfer of personal data abroad

The data holder has no intention of transferring personal data to third party countries or international organizations out with the European Union.

7. Period for which data will be kept 

We assume that the parameter for the time limit on data conservation for fiscal purposes is that actually in force. (10 years).

8. Rights of the interested parties

The interested part has the right (Chapter III Rights of the Data Subject) to request access to the personal data from the data holder and to rectify or cancel the same, as well as to limit or oppose processing and any data portability. To exercise these rights the interested part should use the contact data given above.

9. Rescinding consent

The interested party has the right to rescind consent under article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) and article 9, paragraph 2, letter a).

10. Right of complaint to the Data Protection Supervisor

The interested party has the right to submit a complaint to the Supervising authority, which for Italy, may be reached at the following addresses: Garante per la protezione dei dati personali - Piazza di Monte Citorio n. 121 00186 ROMA Fax: (+39) 06.69677.3785 Phone: (+39) 06.696771 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   Certified Post: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .  Information and the means by which to exercise the right of complaint are to be found on the website for the Data Protection Supervisor

11. Communication of personal data

Communication and successive data processing of personal data are a necessary condition for completion of a contract with our company. Failure to communicate this data will invalidate the contract.

12. Automated decision making

No personal data gathered, including profiling, will undergo automated decision making