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Marketing and Web Consulting

The marketing that interests us in this section is analytical marketing, the study of the market, of the clientele, of the competition and of the positioning of the business to make that business competitive, offering Cavigar clients the opportunity to use the experience and the feeling for the market that Cavigar acquires every day in its daily activity. The level of competitivity is by now a question which has multiple components, because there are many factors that condition the success of a commercial enterprise, starting with its character and its market share. Therefore Cavigar wants to offer its clients an overview of the types of service that have met with success in the last few years and to also suggest web strategies that are now rooted in the in the habits of the public, favoured by a widespread use of smartphones and devices that can connect to Internet. Let’s look therefore at some marketing ideas on the types of service offered and the web tools which are now in common use.

Street Food

Which has become very trendy in the last few years, is a type of service that has only apparently developed in urban or public areas. In truth the base concept .is that of offering simple, typical products and dishes in a limited range, which, in the evolution of the eating habits of contemporary society, represent a sort of fast food formula, a kind of mono-product, one course meal where the qualitative character is determined more by the quality of the speciality itself than by any real appeal to the senses. That which has taken on a retail dimension, on the other hand, is the chance to create and set up small businesses, both in the physical and the managerial sense, where to offer the market portions of food at accessible prices, ideal for a lunch break, for satisfying afternoon or night time hunger pangs, or as an alternative to dinner when there is no wish o spend a lot or when just passing by while out and about.

From the forerunner pizza slice vendor, to the hamburger joint, to the Dutch chip shop and the kebab seller, the setting up of a street food sales point needs however a kitchen, appliances, tools and equipment that respect the health and safety regulations, it needs a décor that is minimal but functional, it needs refrigeration for the stocking and keeping of food. The success of the food truck, has led to a widening of the offer and of the market itself, guaranteeing potential service and opportunities for the self-made businessman, who in his turn must, however, guarantee service, cleanliness and the safety of the food offered.

Delicatessen / specialist food shops

the transformation of the retail world due to the advent of increasingly greater structures of Organised Mass Distribution, has modified the concept of specialist shop where adopting a form of specialization becomes an alternative to the bland and depersonalised offer of the great distribution chains . Thus the delicatessen, or the specialist food shop has lately rediscovered, its function and its own market, where the selection of the products, the working of the raw materials, and the quality and the personalisation of the service has created an ever increasingly identifiable niche in the market and in the habits of the consumer. Hence butchers have become delicatessens where the counter space is increasingly less dedicated to the raw materials and ever more to ready to cook dishes; just as the salumeria serving cheese and cooked meats have become gourmet spaces, possibly with tasting counters, when they are not serveries or eating areas.

It is here that food culture is spread, in the combination of flavours, in research as a form of service and of relationship with the Client, work ever more orientated by the rhythms, the culture and the traditions of modern times, where clients are increasingly in search of more pre-prepared food products to eat at home, which are however of a high grade quality, for the market share that does not need to be nourished at the lowest possible price. Cavigar , which for over 50 years has accompanied the evolution of businesses, has ,in its turn ,evolved its own offer towards an increasing specialisation , supporting food production companies that have matured a new generation of food entrepreneurs ,both from the point of view of training and in their attention to raising the quality levels of their sales points. This is why the earnings from this kind of market offer guarantee an added value which the consumer is increasingly able and willing to recognise.

Bar Cafeteria

the caffè still today represents one of the fixed, daily habits of the Italian consumer, but, increasingly, although under diverse forms, this habit has taken on major importance in the international markets, through the success of chain distribution businesses ever more present within city commercial networks. What distinguishes the quality of a café sales point is the attention to detail, both in the choice of decor regarding the preparation counters, in the appliances and in the assortment both of the coffee and the complementary products.

A specialised bar/ caffé offers diverse blends of coffee ,diverse formats, diverse strengths, integrates these with the service of traditional and herbal teas, creates display areas and cases where croissant, biscuits, chocolates, caramels and sweets complement the principal product. It is in this context that Cavigar lends its skills to the businessperson in planning and proposing décor solutions that meet the consumers’ requirements, creating and planning modular solutions that go from the sandwich bar to the counter for shakes and freshly squeezed juices up to the sales of coffee in powder or grounds and the sales of matching coffee cup sets as well as honey, jam and marmalade.

Pastry shop

the Italian art of pastry making presupposes a level of craftsmanship that accompanies applied technology and “know how”, but it is also an optimum entreprenurial initiative if tied to an ulterior service offered by the coffee bar, above where it is possible to serve formulas of micro-bakery. There are an increasing number of formulas in which you can find monoportions of baked goods that complement the products of the Café displayed with transparent visual techniques, where storing of the products integrates with the chance to catch the client’s eye with colourful assortments of appealing sweets and cakes.

In this type of format the type of display case is fundamental as Cavigar well knows, having over the course of the years created open to view display counters that are both well-finished and elegant, together with all the competence and supplies necessary for the creation of production workshops, furnished with all the most modern and advanced appliances and equipment in terms of output and of energy efficiency.

Cocktail or Wine bar

The Cocktail or Wine bar bases its success on the professional skills of the barman and barmaid. They are typical professionalized businesses that know how to express their own character through the professional qualities of the service personnel who, when serving alcoholic beverages have the knowledge to suggest and advise on ways of tasting, calibrating the recipes and the dosage of cocktails or knowing how to describe and illustrate the characteristics of wines and the particularities of the product.

As a typical format of entertainment and tasting the cocktail and wine bar enriches its offer to the public through the selection of the assortment, whether this involves a range of spirits, such as whisky, rum, vodka, gin and liquers or through a sapient combination of wines and appetizers able to stimulate and sustain the serving of wine with the integration of little tastes of selected quality products. In this sector of the hospitality industry, there is an increasing push towards the sale of single bottled products together with cigars, and high end range regional/local products which are able to increase earnings

Trattoria (Italian style eating house) / Restaurant / Pizzeria

In a highly competitive market, the choice of menu and of the culinary style offered becomes a determining factor. The time in which it was sufficient to serve representative dishes only by name or by the recipe is over. The market today demands research , selection of the raw materials as well special culinary treats ,through which the identity of the sales point becomes immediately recognisable, not only by the name on the sign but also through a sensorial recognition of its typical dishes.

Typicality and character have become essential elements in a market that has multiplied the range of services offered to the public ,but where each restaurant in the sector must find its own faithful clientele, its own style, its own season, linked to service at the height of the expectations of a client willing to spend more in respect of the innumerable alternative choices. That is why the care and analysis of his needs that the restauranteur finds in Cavigar is particularly attentive: improvisation or negligence are the principal enemies of a profession that is by now super specialised, where, starting from the raw materials used in the kitchen, cleanliness and attentive, prompt service are the real weapons of success

Gelateria / Ice cream parlour
The Web site

the era of access to internet has made it indispensable for companies create their own digital presence on the web, able to both to inform and to give the user an adequate identification of their identity. Through that digital presence, the user, whether already a client or simply a potential client looking for a place to eat , must find all the information needed on the food and wine offered , the type of decor, on the connected services, on the personality / professionality of the owners, the chef and the business in general as well as on the periodic or recurrent activities, on which the motivation of the client to return and find attractive menus or opportunities for socialising and tasting is based . Service information such as opening and closing times, the holding capacity, options for staging special events, the use of particular rooms and offers for celebrations, events and working lunches or dinners is indispensable.


the functions of a sales point are becoming ever more hybrid, mixing the serving of products with their sale and off line activity with on line. Hence the need to take advantage of all the opportunities that the market offers through e-sales activity. Solutions offered by on-line sales in terms of website/e-trade are increasingly more accessible, even to those not in the field,, both in the supply of pre-ordered specific types of rolls and sandwiches to serve with accompanying drinks in the lunch break within a simple bar service and for the development of package offers for catering for the delicatessens, as well as for the home delivery of lunches and dinners.

On-line sales are an integrated sales channel for the non food sector too, becoming an important marketing tool when integrated with web marketing or social networking to offer complete packages with the collaboration of other businesses, networking together to guarantee an internet navigator the opportunity to purchase packages on offer that can aggregate the object of the product/service of one’s own business to other products or services of other connected businesses

Retail Apps

are applications that the Client downloads to his/her device with the intent of receiving news from their trusted retailer and of being able to take advantage of special offers or promotion or having first hand news. How are they different from the website? In the direct receiving of messages and commercial information without needing to open a browser or acceed to a site for recurring information or service.

Since the most evolved Retailer App, are light sites with specific functions, it is possible for the retailer to personalise his/her relationship with the client, creating “windows” of options that the client may request before, during and after the purchase. In the intentions of the seller, the website should serve as a channel for purchases by the client, while the Mobile App has the task of linking the potential client to the company through the possibility of creating a personalised experience.

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Head office:
Via Bigarello 1, 46032 Castelbelforte - Mantova
Via G. Marconi 35, 46032 Castelbelforte - Mantova
VAT and tax code: IT00170660203
Enrolment number to Mantua’s businesses’ record: MN87322

Office opening hours to the public: 
  • Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm
  • Saturday is received by appointment

Tel.: +39 0376 42668
Fax: +39 0376 42072

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